Personal trainer Joe Leone has recovered from a lot in his life. Having come back from personal injuries through nothing but fortitude and sheer will-power, Joe wanted to help others reach their desired physical potential. Whether it’s to drop a few pounds or train for an upcoming lifting competition, Coach Leone’s approach is the same: Hard work works.

Don’t Show and Tell.
Coach Leone wanted to steer clear of the usual fist, barbell, and other ‘bro culture’ atmosphere that comes with working out. We both agreed his logo should be something like a ‘badge of honor’. It should look right at home on a card, but Coach Leone was looking toward the future growth. The final logo had to look good on gym equipment, shirts, and even as an interior accent. Coach Leone knew that good branding was an investment, just like a good workout routine.

A Mark that Lifts You Up.
A massive, powerful ‘H’ became the pivot point for the entire brand. Sure the two uprights look like barbels a bit, but the middle crossbar within the letter is where the energy lies. The two upward arrows embody the core philosophy of Hard Work Works: To empower and uplift the client through physical fitness. The blue color inherited from Coach Leone’s existing identity was adjusted a bit, and the mark still has the same power in black and white when presented in a simple way.

Mental Health is Important too.
The approach of Hard Work Works is as much mental as it is physical. Knowing this, Hard Work Works uses Facebook as a way to keep clients and passersby uplifted and motivated with affirming messages. These quotes help support the brand philosophy and keep Coach Leone active on Facebook.

I began working with Derek in the summer of 2017. I came to him with a basic idea of expanding my brand and he literally took that basic idea and designed a logo that was better than I could have imagined. Derek also gave me a jumpstart on rebranding my business facebook page and website. If you need a very creative mind to design a logo or help your existing brand jump to the next level, Derek is your guy!
Joe Leone
Owner of Hard Work Works Fitness