When the pandemic shutdown hit the Push Comedy Theater in 2020, comedians chose to pass their time online. Led by Matt Cole of Go On Productions, Drunkprov was a zoom-based improv show with the added fun of drinking games thrown in. Though received with a mixed reception, this monthly show became the most popular show Go On Productions streamed over Facebook and YouTube.
Inspired by vintage labels and wide-mouth beer cans.
Rather than shy away from Drunkprov’s roots, I leaned into the world of beer and turned to vintage lettering found within the culture itself. Going one step further, the layout for promotional graphics use used many of the same layout devices as the labels as well.
Because of the digital nature of the show, the question “Can we re-invent the laugh emoji?” was asked. As it turned out, the design of the now-common wide mouth can offered a very convenient solution. Soon a whole audience of laughing beer cans provided the perfect backdrop for the show.